How it works
Renewable gas explained

Our renewable gas roadmap
Transitioning to renewable gas could help to reduce carbon emissions while ensuring gas is available to homes and businesses, alongside other renewable energy solutions like solar.

Why is renewable gas good for customers?
We think renewable gas could be good for our customers in the future, and we're exploring how renewable gas can be included in our network.

What is renewable gas?
Have you ever wondered - what is renewable gas? Renewable gas is an umbrella term for gases such as hydrogen and biomethane which are produced from renewable sources.
Biomethane is a reliable and responsive energy source that can help us transition to a lower carbon gas network. It is produced by capturing biogas from decomposing plant and animal by-products, agriculture, farming, forestry and human wastes, and removing the carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and other contaminants.
Renewable Hydrogen
Green Hydrogen is produced when excess renewable electricity is used to split water into hydrogen and oxygen through a process of ‘electrolysis’, as demonstrated below.